Winter Home and Yard Maintenance Tips

Winter means colder weather and less time outdoors. Regardless of whether you live where winters are mild or harsh, there are specific kinds of maintenance that must be done to protect your home, yard, and landscaping as well as your tools and equipment. By taking the time to address these maintenance needs, you can extend the lifespan of your equipment and save yourself the time and stress of sudden breakdowns or repairs and save yourself money by catching problems early. Here are a few winter maintenance tips and items you should check off your list as the colder weather rolls around every year.

Home Maintenance in the Winter

Winter weather can be harsh on your home. When temperatures drop below freezing, your home might experience frozen water pipes or damage to the roof. To avoid needing a professional repairman at your home during a blizzard, be sure to follow this winter maintenance checklist:

  • Be sure your air-conditioning unit is properly covered and protected from the elements.
  • Regularly check the basement for leaks during thaws.
  • Inspect the gutters, downspouts, and roof for any damage after storms.
  • Be sure to clean and vacuum the bathroom’s exhaust fan grill.
  • Vacuum the coils for the freezer and refrigerator. Be sure to clean dip trays after emptying them.
  • Clean all the drains – in dishwashers, sinks, showers, and tubs.

Winter Lawn Maintenance

You want to have a beautiful lush lawn when spring rolls around, so you need to prepare for it during the winter months. Here are a few ways to make sure your yard and landscaping look their best.

  • Make sure there is limited traffic on your lawn. Grass is dormant in winter everywhere except the warmest regions. Don’t park vehicles on the lawn during the winter and limit the amount of foot traffic on the grass.
  • Be careful when melting ice. Choose products that are designed to be used on and around the yard. Rock salt can damage the roots of plants when used in excessive amounts, so be sure you choose a product that can take care of the job while causing less damage to your property.
  • Plan for the warmer months by reviewing any lawn problems you encountered during the past year and coming up with the solutions that will correct them next year. Sharpen your lawn mower blades, so they will be ready for spring. Put reminders on the calendar to schedule lawn feedings. If you didn’t do so in the fall, be sure you have added fuel stabilizer to all your outdoor equipment that you have put in storage.
  • Inspect all your outdoor equipment and tools that are in storage. Now is a good time to address any issues and make the necessary repairs before they are needed again in spring.
  • If there is a lack of rain or snow, water any evergreens that were newly planted.
  • Plant any bare-root roses as soon as possible.
  • Prune your fruit trees late in the winter and spray them with dormant oil.
  • Use tree guards to wrap trees and protect them from rodents.
  • Use burlap to wrap tender foundation shrubs.
  • Order seeds to plant in the spring.
  • Review wintering bulbs and be sure to discard those that are rotten or soft.
  • Use fast-acting fertilizer in areas that experience mild winters.
  • Repair broken lawn elements, such as lawn arbors.
  • Organize all your tools in the garage or garden shed.
  • Check any irrigation systems for leaks or cracks.
  • Weather permitting, repair any concrete or stone walls.
  • Remove snow from any decks, walkways, and patios.

By taking care of your winter maintenance checklist and by preparing for spring during your downtime, you can make sure your home and yard are looking their best. Maintenance can save you time and trouble. While also helping you cut down on your expenses for repairing any problems that could develop. You can catch issues early by doing your quarterly inspections while marking off your seasonal maintenance checklist.

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