Comments on: How Long Can Diesel Fuel Be Stored? Mon, 30 Nov 2020 16:09:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tim Mon, 30 Nov 2020 16:09:31 +0000 When you use 30 days and 6 months, is this for B5 or for diesel with no biofuel in it?

Also, if outside diesel truck is parked full of fuel part of fall or winter in a dry climate, which becomes an issue first, microbial growth or significant fuel degradation? I am trying to determine if and when a biocide is needed. I may also have very low driving for periods upto 2 months during hot summers in Colorado.

Does Sta-Bil still offer a biocide and is Sta-Bil Diesel compatible with Biobor JF?

I will be driving 2019 6.7 Ford about 40 miles every 2-3 weeks to reduce issues.

By: Joe Palandri Mon, 30 Nov 2020 15:48:57 +0000 In reply to Tim.

The fuel can start going bad in as little as 30 days but may not be a major issue until around 6 months. It’s always better to be safe and treat it early though!

By: Tim Sun, 29 Nov 2020 17:39:36 +0000 In article it is first stated ” Without proper additives high quality diesel fuel can be stored safely for up to 6 months, meaning that if you have a diesel truck in storage, you will eventually need to add these additives.” then later stated “If left for a long period of time, the diesel will begin to oxidize, causing hydrocarbons to react with oxygen in the tank. This creates deposits that can damage fuel lines, fuel injectors, and other system components. Therefore, storage for longer than 30 days requires additives, specifically fuel stabilizers.”

Please explain these contradictory looking sentences. Thanks!

By: Randy Thu, 28 Feb 2019 00:11:35 +0000 What about diesel fuel stored in air-tight 55 gal drums? (green hi-way diesel, not farm diesel)
